Landscape #1 Watercolor, pen and ink Oil 5" x 6.75" " x "
Landscape #2 Landscape #3 Watercolor, pen and ink Watercolor 5.375" x 4.5" 11" x 8.5"
Lovers Pencil Oil 9" x 11.25" "x"
Lovers #2 Lovers #3 Watercolor, pen and ink Pencil 4.5" x 4.25" 11" x 11.25"
Still life with hat Resting Watercolor Acrylic on paper 11.25" x 8.5" 9.75" x 12"
Melancholia Goauche Oil 3.25" x 4.375" " x "
Geometric Women Geometric Dancer Pencil Colored Pencil 5" x 8" 7.25" x 9.5"
Kaiser Grammercy Geometric Dancer #2 Pen and Ink Colored Pencil 11" x 9" 4.5" x 7"
St. Catherine Modern Man Gouache 3.25" x 6" 4" x 6"
Some Lines For My Wife Colored Pencil 6.25" x 9"
Bringing Gifts to Athena Gilded wood " x "
Zeus Gilded wood table 24" x 48" x 16"